Tuesday, August 29, 2006


9:10 AM

I have been cleaning up my mailbox because I had over 1000 messages and some dated back to 1995... urgh!
Still, I am having a blast reading some old jokes and emails people have sent me over the years... in the course of the next few days, I'll share some with you...

To get things started, here's a choice/belief questionnaire that somebody sent me back in 2003, but I took the liberty to update my answers.. (My answers in italics)

Do you believe in:

1. Abortion - I don't support abortion but I'm 100% Pro-Choice
2. Heaven - Heaven is a place on Earth... it could be just around the corner.
3. Hell - It is usually right across from Heaven
4. God - after centuries of wars, it would be a real bummer if there was nothing out there...
5. Reincarnation - yes, please
6. Fate - we are the masters of our own destiny, which is ever-changing thanks to the small decisions we make everyday.
7. War - unfortunately, sometimes it's the only option.
8. Ghosts - I wanna believe.
9. Magic - Just look around you... what more evidence do you need?
10. Santa Claus - definitely! I believe with all my heart.


1. Pepsi or coke - Dr. Pepper
2. McDonald's or Burger King - Wendy's.
3. Adidas or Nike - Reebok
5. Dogs or cats - Dogs
6. Britney or Christina - let's ask Madonna that one
7. Eminem or Marilyn Manson - Now, that's a duet I'd like to see
8. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea - Nestea
9. One pillow or two - actually, 3.
10. Chocolate or vanilla - Vanilla, especially for its healing powers
11. Sushi or Hamburgers - Sushi, hands down
12. Hot chocolate or hot tea - any would be fine, but I'd rather have hot Apple Cider.
13. Cappucino or plain coffee - Caramelatta, yum!!
14. Boxers or briefs - I prefer boxers but I only wear briefs
15. Pooh or Tigger - The wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things.
16. Tweety or Sylvester - Sufferin' Succotash!
17. Alternative or Country - I'm a country boy at heart...
18. PC or Mac? Mac, no doubt.
19. Hugs or Kisses? Hershey's White Chocolate Hugs...
20. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Do you have caramel?

Monday, August 28, 2006


8:30 PM

I'm very tired today... my legs hurt...
I guess I spent too much time standing today...
mostly doing nothing and waiting...
it ain't cool when people leave you hungry and waiting...

I just finished watching a cool interview though...
Filmmaker Kevin Smith -one of my favorites-
was interviewing Comic Book legend Stan Lee...
You know, Stan Lee, the guy who founded Marvel Comics
And created X-Men, Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four, the Hulk
and so many others...

Who was your favorite superhero?

Growing up I looked up to the Fantastic Four
(Especially the Human Tourch - the "Flame On" guy)
Captain America, the Green Lantern, Thor, Spider-Man,
Daredevil and Captain Marvel... ya know... SHAZAM!

And you know who else was cool?... The Silver Surfer

Sunday, August 27, 2006


11:01 AM

At the Multiplaza Escazu, they opened a Cinnabon... yay!!
First one in Costa Rica...
I first got hooked on Cinnabon in Salt Lake City a few years ago
When I was up there for TESOL 2002...

I had been lusting for their Cinnabon Stixs ever since...

Yesterday, we stopped by and I quenched my craving...
I also had a Caramelatta... Heaven!!
Hmmm... It felt so good... it was decadent, but great...

Alex enjoyed it a lot too...
I think he is also hooked on Cinnabon now...

The downtown Hardee's closed down
And they've turned it into a Wendy's... first local Wendy's...
Haven't been there yet, but I'll try to pay my respects soon...

I like it when new franchises open here...

3o years ago, there used to be a Dairy Queen in downtown San José...
However, it closed down to make room for La Plaza de la Cultura...
Too bad they never opened any other location here...

Other US franchises I would looooove to see come to CR:

Orange Julius, Fazoli's, Arby's, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Ruby Tuesday's and of course.... White Castle!!!

Hey... It's what I crave...

8:03 PM

Watching the Emmy broadcast...
Conan is doing a decent enough job...
Even when he may not have a show anymore come Monday morning...
After that song and dance opening number bashing NBC... je je je

There are some shows that I'd like to watch but...
Either they're not broadcasted down here or
They're broadcasted at a time when I can't watch them...

Anyway, I'll think I'll just rent the DVDs when they come out...

I wanna watch Weeds, Entourage, Extras, My Name is Earl...
the second season of Lost and the sixth season of The Sopranos...

Why can't our cable systems include Comedy Central
So I can watch Jon Stewart, the Colbert Report and South Park?

Is that too much to ask?

I mean we have a Chinese channel, a French channel, an Italian channel,
a German channel, a Chilean channel, a Colombian channel, two Spanish channels, three Mexican channels, a Venezuelan channel, and even an Israeli channel...

We have the Food Network (which is pretty much all I ever watch),
the Home Garden Network, Animal Planet, Fashion TV, Several religious channels, and the Playboy channel (for fair balance, I guess)

Why can't we have Comedy Central?

I'm starting a petition to AMNET to get Comedy Central
Instead of maybe the Speed Channel...
Who needs a 24-hour car race channel? -
Especially when we already have two ESPN channels...

Please, join my petition demanding Comedy Central
by emailing your friendly Costa Rican cable provider @

Saturday, August 26, 2006


7:45 AM

Had a rough night last night coughing...
Took some Nyquil and slept...
Today I had a double whammy shot of vanilla extract
The wife believes heavily in the healing powers of vanilla...
The funny thing is that it actually works...
My throat doesn't hurt anymore and I have stopped coughing
And I have a nice vanilley taste in the mouth...
mmmm... tasty...

I'm at work right now... registration duty... urgh...
and I'm late... je je je

8:45 PM

I'm tired... it's been a long day
But I'm feeling better thanks to the vanilla... yay!

I just watched Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector
Not the movie of the year by any means
But it managed to get a couple of chortles out of me
And the world sure could use more chortles...

I had chinese for lunch today
There's this place down at the Plaza Mayor mall called Pau-tu-tu
They're the best chinese place in town by far...
Their Pinapple Rice is out of this world...
And so is their Sahofan... had some of that today... yummy!

Tomorrow night is Emmy night...
and I'm watching "Silent Hill" in the afternoon
I've been watching far too many horror movies lately...
Hostel, Saw I, Saw II, The Hills Have Eyes, The Descent...
Really liked Hostel and the Saw movies
Even though I didn't find them particularly scary
I don't find gore scary... gore is gore...
The Ring or the Grudge -
Now, THAT is some scary shit...
especially the original Japanese versions
The other ones I didn't care for...
I don't go for mutant crap...

Here's a couple of questions for you all...

1. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen?

My vote is a three way tie between...
The Shining, The Exorcist and The Blair Witch Project...

2. Which is the sickest movie you're ever seen?

I'm pretty sick and I've seen some really sick stuff out there
And I usually have a hard stomach for just about everything
however, there were some movies that just went a bit too far..

Of course, there is Salo, Cannibal Holocust and Caligula...
But there is a documentary called...
Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist...

And I also once saw a recording of a live performance by GG Allin...
Ever seen that?... now, that was really sick, dude...

Friday, August 25, 2006

10:00 AM

I'm happy today...
I'm taking my kid to see Elmo's live show later today...
He's excited and I'm excited that he's excited.
It's good to be excited.

It's been a week already... no news...
I'm kinda getting restless...

I need to go collect some money today...
I should have collected this money long time ago
But I've got a feeling this guy is kinda avoiding me...
I've emailed him a couple times and I just didn't get any answer
So, I'm gonna stop by his office to see if I can get my dough
I hate doing things like that... blah!

When I woke up this morning, I thought I was coming down with the flu...
However, now I feel fine... so, I guess I'm not...
That's cool because whenever I get the flu,
It usually ends up in bronchitis or something like...
and I'm not in the mood for that right now.. je je je

10:00 PM

Well, the Elmo show was just amazing...

Granted, the sound was terrible - but, the special effects were mindblowing.

You should have seen my son's face as he shook hands with Cookie Monster...

That along was worth the price of admission, which was kinda steep btw... Good thing my dad paid for the tickets... je je je

However, when we came out from the venue
It was really pouring down and we all got pretty wet as we made our way to the parking lot
And I'm really coughing now... rats!
I just want to treat myself to a nice big-assed shot of Nyquil
and crawl up into bed...
I can't believe I have to work early tomorrow...
Is nothing sacred anymore?